What is the best way to smoothly scroll to another page using a specific id?

My website consists of multiple pages and I am looking for a code that will allow for smooth scrolling navigation to another page when loading on a specific id or section.

For example, in the navbar I have multiple pages with links. When clicking on a link in the navbar, I want to navigate to the corresponding page and smoothly scroll down to the section containing the information related to that link.

I have managed to achieve this using only HTML, but without the smooth scrolling effect. Currently, clicking on a navbar link navigates me to the appropriate section on the other page.

I hope my explanation is clear enough to understand.

Answer №1

Modern web browsers have the ability to detect the hash in the URL and automatically navigate to that specific section. However, if you prefer smooth scrolling instead of instant jumping, you can reset the scroll position to the top and then apply smooth scrolling.

Include the following script:

// Scroll to top immediately
if (window.location.hash)
// Resolve some browser issues

Now, attempt to access the anchor from another page and observe how the browser smoothly scrolls to the top without abruptly jumping to the anchor element.

Next, implement smooth scrolling:

// Handle click event
        scrollTop:$($(this).attr('href')).offset().top + 'px'

// Smooth scroll when accessed via anchor in URL
    // Scroll smoothly to the anchor id
        scrollTop:$(window.location.hash).offset().top + 'px'

Following these steps will ensure a seamless experience. You will be directed to the anchor element on another page with a smooth scrolling effect.

Complete script:

// Scroll to top immediately
if (window.location.hash)
// Resolve some browser issues

// Handle click event
        scrollTop:$($(this).attr('href')).offset().top + 'px'

// Smooth scroll when accessed via anchor in URL
    // Scroll smoothly to the anchor id
        scrollTop:$(window.location.hash).offset().top + 'px'

Answer №2

To achieve smooth scrolling in your CSS file, simply include the following:

html {
    scroll-behavior: smooth;

Then, make sure to specify the ID in the href attribute like this:


For example:

<a href="index.html#contentID>

It's as easy as that! No need for JS or JQuery, just CSS and HTML.

Answer №3

Consider implementing smooth scrolling within the $(window).load function instead of $(document).ready. Scrolling in $(document).ready may result in the page scrolling to an incorrect position if images have not finished loading.

$(document).ready(function () {
    if (window.location.hash) {
        scroll(0, 0);

$(window).load(function() {
    if (window.location.hash) {
        const hash = window.location.hash;
        $('html, body').animate({
            scrollTop : $(hash).offset().top
        }, 500);

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