What is the best way to separate a string using JQuery?

My menu contains PNG icons. I am looking to achieve a hover effect where the PNG icon changes to a GIF icon when the user hovers over a menu item. I've attempted the following: jsFiddle

    // I can set GIF url here


However, I understand this isn't the ideal approach as it would need to be done individually for each menu item. This is my HTML structure:

        <a> item 1
        <img src="image-path" />
        <a> item 2
        <img src="image-path" />

I referred to this question, but it doesn't exactly meet my requirements. I aim to split at the last . or last / in the path.

Currently, the code splits the string at every /:

var data =$("#image").attr("src");
var array = data.split('/');


The image path I have is: ../images/icon1.png and I want to change it to either of these paths:

../images/icon1.gif or ../images/hover/icon1.gif

Answer №1


$('ul img').hover(function (e) {
    $(this).attr('src', function (idx, src) {
        return src.replace(/(.)(png|gif)$/i, '.' + (e.type == 'mouseenter' ? 'gif': 'png'))

Example: Fiddle

Answer №2

No JavaScript required for this task.

You can achieve the desired outcome using pure CSS.


Answer №3

To remove the final three characters, simply use this code:

let previousUrl = this.src;
this.src = previousUrl.slice(0,previousUrl.length-3) + "jpg";
// or +"jpeg" to switch to a JPEG image.

Answer №4

Did this solution work for you?

$(this).attr('src', 'http://jsfiddle.net/img/logo-white.png');

Answer №5

It's true, JS is not necessary for this task.

Consider the following approach:

.icon {
    width: 32px; /* Customize as needed */
    height: 32px; /* Customize as needed */
.icon-house {
.icon-house:hover {
.icon-car {
.icon-car:hover {
/* Repeat for other icons... */

Modify your HTML like so:

        <a href="index.html">Home
        <span class="icon icon-house"></span>
        <a href="carsrock.html">Cars are awesome!
        <span class="icon icon-car"></span>

Alternatively, you could use a spritesheet to improve user experience by reducing image downloads.

For more details, check out this resource: http://css-tricks.com/css-sprites/

Answer №6

Replace the path using a regular expression:

var updatedPath = $(this).attr("src").replace(/\.png$/, ".gif");
$(this).attr("src", updatedPath);

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