What is the best way to scale down my entire webpage to 65%?

Everything looks great on my 1920x1080 monitor, but when I switch to a 1024x768 monitor, the content on my webpage becomes too large. I've been manually resizing with CTRL+Scroll to reduce it to 65%, which works fine. Is there a code solution using CSS, javascript, or something else that can resize my entire webpage to 65% automatically?

Note: I built my website using Joomla. Maybe there's an addon that could help?...

Answer №1

.container {
    -ms-transform:scale(0.65,0.65); /* For compatibility with IE 9 */
    -webkit-transform:scale(0.65,0.65); /* For Safari and Chrome browsers */

One potential solution is to enclose the entire website within a

<div class="container"></div>

Update: While this approach may work, it is not considered best practice. It's recommended to design websites using percentage-based layouts for better responsiveness across various screen resolutions.

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