What is the best way to retrieve the navbar css property from a different component in Angular?

I currently have a navbar set up with the following code:

<mdb-navbar SideClass="navbar fixed-top navbar-toggleable-md navbar-expand-lg scrolling-navbar py-0 navbar-dark lunada-gradient" [containerInside]="false">

Is there a way for me to modify the lunada-gradient property from a different component, specifically the customizer in this case? Here's an example of how it can be done:

<div class="col">
    <span class="deep-space-gradient d-block rounded-circle" style="width:20px; height:20px;"
        data-bg-color="deep-space-gradient" [ngClass]="{'selected': selectedBgColor === 'deep-space-gradient'}" 

The Customizer Component:

 selectedBgColor: string = 'lunada';selectedBgColor: string = 'lunada';

  options = {
    bgColor: 'lunada-gradient',
    layout: 'light'

    private layoutService: LayoutService,
  ) {
    this.layoutSub = layoutService.customizerChangeEmitted$.subscribe(
      options => {
        if (options) {
          if (options.bgColor) {
            this.selectedBgColor = options.bgColor;

  changeNavbarBgColor(color) {
    this.selectedBgColor = color;
    this.options.bgColor = color;


  options = {
    bgColor: 'lunada-gradient',
    layout: 'light'

 changeNavbarBgColor(color) {
    this.selectedBgColor = color;
    this.options.bgColor = color;

Answer №1

When you want to alter the CSS of a different component, using ::ng-deep in your own component is one option. However, it's important to proceed with caution as things can easily get messy.

Here's a straightforward example of how this can be done:

::ng-deep mdb-navbar {
  background-color: red;

If you require more information on this topic, you can visit https://angular.io/guide/component-styles#deprecated-deep--and-ng-deep

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