What is the best way to resize images to fit in a 200 pixel square box using CSS?

I have a collection of images that all fit within a 400px × 400px box, with one dimension being 400px and the other smaller. I want to resize these images using CSS or jQuery/JavaScript if necessary, to fit into a 200px by 200px box. The goal is to have two edges of the image touch the box while leaving a gap between the other two edges, all while maintaining the aspect ratio.

Here is my HTML code:

<div class="small">
    <img src="/images/photos/View.jpg" alt="View" />

And this is my CSS:

div.images div.small
div.images div.small img

You can view an example here.

The issue I am facing is that my landscape images are aligned to the top of the box instead of being centered. Additionally, I am uncertain about relying on max-width/max-height. How can I ensure that my images are centered within these boxes?

Answer №1

After successfully implementing this on my personal computer, I encountered no issues. Upon reviewing your sample page, the issue became apparent due to the image being set to display:block. To address this problem, consider either removing this rule from your general img style (which seems unnecessary to apply universally), or modifying the image rule provided above as follows:

div.images div.small img
    vertical-align: middle;
    max-width: 200px;
    max-height: 200px;
    display: -moz-inline-box; /* Firefox 2 */
    display: inline-block;

By default, the img element and other "replaced" elements (such as Flash) are displayed as "inline-block", allowing them to flow inline like text while still having defined width and height attributes.

Answer №2

A while back, I was faced with a similar challenge and stumbled upon a fantastic solution at this website. The technique demonstrated how to center an image within a div both vertically and horizontally, regardless of the image's dimensions.

Implementing this method worked like a charm for me.

Answer №3

Dealing with a vertical centering issue before led me to utilizing JavaScript/jQuery for a solution that worked across all browsers:

$(document).ready(function() {
    $('img').each(function() {
        image_height = $(this).height();
        margin_top = (200 - image_height) / 2;
        $(this).css('margin-top', margin_top + 'px');

Keep in mind, if the image dimensions are not specified in the HTML, you will need to use $(window).load instead of $(document).ready.

Answer №4

Did you experiment with this technique:


This approach is effective for centering block level elements

Answer №5

Looking for a versatile solution that works for images of any size? This method will downscale but not upscale, center both vertically and horizontally using only CSS. It took some time to crack the code on this one.

Simply place your image <img> inside a wrapping <div>, position the div as desired (adjusting size and positioning attributes), and then add the following CSS:

.mydiv > .myimg {
    vertical-align: bottom;
    max-height:     100%;
    max-width:      100%;
    position:       absolute;
    margin:         auto;
    top:            0;
    right:          0;
    bottom:         0;
    left:           0;

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