What is the best way to remove the box-model from an element?

Within my VueJS project, I am faced with nested elements that are generated dynamically like this:

  <outerElement class="outer" v-for="obj in objects">
    <innerElement class="inner" v-for="element in obj"/>

The issue arises when styling these elements using CSS. As the innerElements need to be movable, they require the outer element to match the size/position of the container.

Is there a way in CSS to eliminate the box-model from the 'outer' class while still being within the container?

Here's an illustration of what I am attempting to accomplish. https://i.stack.imgur.com/MGlD4.png


To address the mentioned XY-Problem, here is a simplified version of the template, utilizing the same implementation techniques as in my application.

... (omitted for brevity) ...

However, the current issue in this code is that the innerElements cannot be moved inside the container because the outerElement serves as their container.

As changing the parent selector to utilize the container instead of the outerElement seems challenging, I am struggling to find a solution.

Therefore, I considered removing the borders of the outerElements to allow the innerElement to use the container as its parent.

But upon reflection, my approach may seem unconventional, especially considering that the vue-draggable-resizable component will naturally consider the outerElement as the parent.

Take a look at this snapshot showcasing the dilemma: https://i.stack.imgur.com/59AqF.png

The draggable boxes remain restricted from moving inside the container due to the outerElement not inheriting the position and size of the container.

Answer №1

To enhance your design, consider utilizing the CSS property display:contents on the outer component. This approach effectively conceals the element from the browser interface, providing a seamless user experience.

Alternatively, optimizing your Vue template by eliminating the unnecessary outer component may yield better results. One strategy could involve consolidating child elements within the objects array before iterating through them.

Answer №2

To simplify your example, you can flatten the nested array before iterating over it:

  <innerElement class="inner" v-for="element in objects.flat(1)" />

The more complex example you provided requires a bit more work since the inner loop also needs access to obj. However, you can achieve this by creating a custom method that wraps each state within a wrapper containing both the state and a reference to its object:

<div class="container">
  <div class="label" v-for="obj in nestedObj.data" :key="obj.name">
    <button @click="nestedXOR(obj.name)">XOR -> {{ obj.name }}</button>
    {{ obj.states }}

    v-for="wrapper in flattenStates(nestedObj.data)"
    <div v-if="wrapper.obj.contentType === 'TypeA'">
      <b>{{ `Bit-${wrapper.index} of ${wrapper.obj.name}` }}</b>
      <br />
      <status-indicator :status="wrapper.state ? 'positive' : 'negative'" />
    <div v-else>
      <b>{{ `Bit-${wrapper.index} of ${wrapper.obj.name}` }}</b>
      <br />
      <status-indicator :status="wrapper.state ? 'active' : 'intermediary'" />

In order for the code above to function properly on browsers that do not support .flat() or .flatMap(), consider using a polyfill. Alternatively, you can streamline the template by incorporating some logic into the flattenStates method.

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