What is the best way to reduce a varying percentage as the value continues to rise?

My memory of math may be a bit fuzzy, but I can't seem to recall how to solve this particular issue. In jQuery, I have been adding randomized clipping paths to my images using the following code:

var max=100;
var spread=5;
jQuery.each( $("img"), function( i, val ) {
            [Math.floor(Math.random()*spread*10)/10, Math.floor(Math.random()*spread*10)/10], 
            [max-Math.floor(Math.random()*spread*10)/10, Math.floor(Math.random()*spread*10)/10], 
            [max-Math.floor(Math.random()*spread*10)/10, max-Math.floor(Math.random()*spread*10)/10], 
            [Math.floor(Math.random()*spread*10)/10, max-Math.floor(Math.random()*spread*10)/10]

The code works perfectly fine; however, because the values are in percentages, they can sometimes result in extreme changes with the image size increasing significantly. How can I adjust the "spread" variable to account for increasing height/width values? Would using Math.log be helpful in this situation?

Thank you.

Answer №1

One approach could be to create a formula that calculates the spread based on the height and width values of the images. You could start by setting a baseline spread value of 5 for images up to a certain size (let's say ...x... pixels) that you know works effectively. Then, adjust the spread size for larger images accordingly.

Answer №2

To calculate the spread, you can use the formula spread = constant/(height+width), or alternatively spread = constant/(height^2+width^2)^0.5

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