What is the best way to navigate through a div in my particular situation?

I am currently working on a unique feature where users can click on the left navigation link and the right section will automatically scroll to the corresponding box.

For instance, if a user clicks on the second link in the navigation, the right-side div will smoothly scroll to reveal the contents of the second box within that div.

Below is the HTML structure for this feature:

<div id='nav'>
     <li><a id='link1' class='link' href='#'>test 1</a><li>
     <li><a id='link2' href='#'>test 2</a><li>
     <li><a id='link16' href='#'>test 16</a><li>

<div id='items'>
    <div id='link1-test' class='box'>
        test 1
    <div id='link2-test' class='box'>
        test 2
     <div id='link16-test' class='box'>
        test 16

This is the JavaScript code used for achieving this functionality:

$('#nav a').on('click', function(){

    var id=$(this).attr('id')

      scrollTop: $('#'+id+'-test').offset().top
           }, 700);      

You can check out a live example of this code here.

I have encountered an issue with the positioning of the boxes inside the right div, as it keeps changing dynamically. I would appreciate any help or suggestions on how to tackle this problem effectively. Thank you in advance!

Answer №1

When scrolling the parent div, the position of each nested div changes. To account for this, you simply need to adjust the offset by calculating the target div's offset and adding the current scroll position of the parent div. By making a single line change in your code, everything will function correctly. Update the scrollTop option for the animate method from:

scrollTop: $('#'+id+'-test').offset().top


scrollTop: $('#'+id+'-test').offset().top + $('#items').scrollTop()

For a demonstration, check out this functional example: http://jsfiddle.net/BPB7z/7/

Answer №2

Check out this link for a demonstration of varying div heights: http://jsbin.com/iZUVoBux/1/edit. You may notice that using .position().top to determine the offset can lead to inconsistencies when the div is scrolled.

function calculatePosition(el) {
  var _x = 0;
  var _y = 0;
  while (el && !isNaN(el.offsetLeft) && !isNaN(el.offsetTop)) {
    _x += el.offsetLeft - el.scrollLeft;
    _y += el.offsetTop - el.scrollTop;
    el = el.offsetParent;
   return {
      top: _y,
      left: _x

$('#nav a').on('click', function () {
      scrollTop: calculatePosition($('#' + this.id + '-test').get()[0]).top
   }, 700);

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