What is the best way to move the numerical range value into a span element?

How can I implement the "update" function to retrieve the current slider value and transfer it to a Meter element with the message "Value: [current value]". The indicator color should be #ffff00 if the current value is at least 85, otherwise, it should be set to #808080.

 <form onchange="update();" oninput="update();">
            <input type="range" name="power" min="0" max="100" value="0">
    <meter id="output" value="88" low="85" max="100" optimum="85">  </meter>
    <div class="indicator"></div>

      function update() {
        let indicatorColors = ['#808080', 'ffff00'];
       // Need to access the indicator here
        let indicator = 
    // Need to access indicatorColors here
    indicator.style.backgroundColor =
    <!-- CSS Section -->
        height: 20px;
        width: 200px;
        height: 50px;
        width: 50px;
        border-radius: 50%;
        background-color: #808080;
        position: absolute;
        top: 40px;
        left: 210px;

Answer №1

How can you retrieve the value?

  1. To obtain the value, modify your HTML by adding update to <input /> instead of using <form />, as the input is what triggers changes.
  2. Include this as an argument in the update() function (update(this)). Here, this refers to the element itself that the onchange() event is called on, which is the <input />.
  3. Now, within your JavaScript code, you can access the input's value within the update() function.

const valueCounter = document.querySelector(".value-counter");
const indicator = document.querySelector(".indicator");

function update(input) { // The input parameter will receive whatever you pass to the update function in your HTML
  const value = input.value;
  valueCounter.textContent = `value:${value}`;

  indicator.style.backgroundColor = value >= 85 ? "#ffff00" : "#808080";
.indicator { /* To visualize the changes */
  width: 50px;
  height: 50px;
<input type="range" name="power" min="0" max="100" value="0" onchange="update(this)">
<span class="value-counter">value:0</span>
<div class="indicator"></div>

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