What is the best way to make a button stretch across the entire width of the footer on a mobile device screen?

I'm attempting to make a button located in the right rail column on my test page (in desktop view) expand to fill the entire footer of the page in mobile view.

Below is the CSS and JavaScript code I am currently using:

@media screen and (max-width: 768px) {
    #register_text_container {
        position: fixed;
        bottom: 0px;

$(function() { //doc ready
    if (!($.browser == "msie" && $.browser.version < 7)) {
        var target = "#register_text_container", top = $(target).offset().top - parseFloat($(target).css("margin-top").replace(/auto/, 0));
        $(window).scroll(function(event) {
            if (top <= $(this).scrollTop()) {
            } else {

The JavaScript code belongs to someone else, sourced from stackoverflow, and it has been effective. However, I am struggling to make the button fill the entire page. I attempted using width: 100%, but that did not work.

The container referenced in my CSS code is inaccessible to me as it is part of the CMS and appears as a button.

Upon inspecting the Register button's HTML code to determine what to reference in my CSS file, I found the following:

<div class="entry-page-button-container" id="register_link_container">
<div class="manageable-content" data-container="edit_register_text_container">
<a class="entry-text-link secondary-step step-button" id="register_text_container" href="">Register</a>

I have tried targeting each class and ID without success in getting the register button to span the full width of the page.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!

Test Page

Answer №1

On the link with the classes

.entry-text-link secondary-step step-button
, there is a width: 250px !important. Change this to width:100% (and remove the unnecessary !important).

Next, include left:0; and right:0; in the element with the class .entry-page-button-container.

These adjustments should ensure proper functionality.

Answer №2

To ensure the button occupies the entire width of its parent container, you can simply set the width of the button element to 100%.

This can be achieved by adding the following style attribute:

<button style="width: 100%">Click here for a full-width button!</button>

By doing this, the button will span the full width of its containing div element.

Answer №3

Make sure to delete width : 250px !important from the <a> tag and instead apply it to the fixed element.

width: 100%;
left: 0;
bottom: -10px;

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