What is the best way to link a URL ID to a specific piece of content stored on

Is it possible to display a product without creating separate html pages for each one using unique IDs?

I prefer the layout style of Pinterest.

For example, with a URL like /product/12345

When a user clicks on /product/12345, the content should be rendered.

What are some options available to generate content in this manner?

Check out http://www.pinterest.com/ for inspiration.

Answer №1

Depending on the server technology you are using, like ASP.Net MVC, Ruby On Rails, PHP, and others, the approach to handling URL changes may vary. Since your tags do not specify a server-side language, I assume you are attempting to achieve this functionality solely through JavaScript. However, this method could present challenges for users trying to bookmark the URL. Without a dedicated page for that URL, external navigation may result in a 404 error. It is recommended to implement server-side programming or explore URL forwarding solutions.

In JavaScript, a common technique involves making an Ajax call to replace an element with content from another HTML file stored on the server. Utilizing jQuery simplifies this process:

$( "#divIdToReplace" ).load( "path/to/content.html" );

To update the URL dynamically, HTML5's pushState feature can be employed:

history.pushState(stateObj, "product 12345", "12345.html");

Keep in mind that the "12345.html" referenced does not actually need to exist as a physical file.

Answer №2

When displaying products on your webpage, it's important to include links like the following:

<a href="{contextPath}/product?id=1234">Details</a>

By clicking on this link, you will be taken to www.yourwebsite.com/product?id=1234, where 'product' is your servlet.

In the servlet, you can retrieve the id from the request parameter using request.getParameter("id");

Next, fetch the details of the product from the database using ProductDAO.getProductByID(id);

Set this information in the request attribute with request.setAttribute("Product", product);

Now, redirect to the page where you want to display the product details, such as details.jsp.

Retrieve the product from the request attribute by using request.getAttribute("product");

And there you have access to the information you need.

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