What is the best way to keep the footer at the bottom and make it fixed in Material UI?

import * as React from "react";
import Container from "@mui/material/Container";
import Image from "next/image";
import Link from "@/src/Link";
import Box from "@mui/material/Box";
import Typography from "@mui/material/Typography";
import Paper from "@mui/material/Paper";

export default function GuestFooter() {
  return (
    <Paper sx={{marginTop: 'calc(10% + 60px)', bottom: 0}} component="footer" square variant="outlined">
      <Container maxWidth="lg">
            flexGrow: 1,
            justifyContent: "center",
            display: "flex",
          <Link href="/">
            <Image priority src="/Logo.svg" width={75} height={30} alt="Logo" />

            flexGrow: 1,
            justifyContent: "center",
            display: "flex",
            mb: 2,
          <Typography variant="caption" color="initial">
            Copyright ©2022. [] Limited


Answer №1

Implemented position sticky with a width set to 100% to ensure it remains fixed at the bottom, using bottom: 0.

 export default function GuestFooter() {
  return (
    <Paper sx={{marginTop: 'calc(10% + 60px)',
    width: '100%',
    position: 'fixed',
    bottom: 0,
    width: '100%'
    }} component="footer" square variant="outlined">
      <Container maxWidth="lg">
            flexGrow: 1,
            justifyContent: "center",
            display: "flex",
            <Image priority src="/Logo.svg" width={75} height={30} alt="Logo" />

            flexGrow: 1,
            justifyContent: "center",
            display: "flex",
            mb: 2,
          <Typography variant="caption" color="initial">
            Copyright ©2022. [] Limited

Modifications made on the MUI 'Paper' component, enclosing the entire JSX structure:

position: 'sticky',
bottom: 0
width: '100%',

Latest Outcome:

 <Paper sx={{marginTop: 'calc(10% + 60px)',
position: 'fixed',
bottom: 0,
width: '100%'
}} component="footer" square variant="outlined">

Answer №2

I encountered a similar issue, and I discovered a very elegant solution for it.

To solve this problem, you can create a Box Component that serves as the direct parent of your Footer Component, using the styles below:

      display: 'flex',
      flexDirection: 'column',
      minHeight: '100vh',

Within your footer component, apply a margin top with the value of 'auto' like so:

    borderTop: "1px solid #000",
    marginTop: "auto",
    p: 4,

By following this approach, the footer will always remain at the bottom of the content body page. I discovered this solution through the following resources:

Answer №3

Enclose all child components (excluding Footer) within a Box element in this manner:

<Box display={"flex"} minHeight={'calc(100vh - FOOTERHEIGHTpx)'}>

Alternatively, you can include the following attributes in your individual page components:

display={"flex"} minHeight={'calc(100vh - FOOTERHEIGHTpx)'}

Remember to substitute FOOTERHEIGHT with the precise height of your Footer component.

This approach is highly effective. By utilizing this technique, you can apply standard styling to your footer component without the need for extra properties such as position and bottom.

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