What is the best way to incorporate keyboard shortcuts into carousel operations using jQuery?

The example can be found here.

I want to be able to navigate through the images using the left and right arrows on my keyboard. How can I achieve this using jQuery or CSS?

This is the structure of the HTML:

<div id="slider-code">
        <a class="buttons prev" href="#"></a>

For the CSS styling:


You can find the necessary JavaScript below:

var oImg, sliderCode, sliderViewPort, win_width;

If you require any additional information, feel free to ask.

Answer №1

$(window).keydown( function(keyEvent) {
     if(keyEvent.which==37) {//pressing the left arrow key
        $('.slider-controls .prev').trigger('click');//simulates a click on the previous button 
     } else if(keyEvent.which==39) {//pressing the right arrow key
        $('.slider-controls .next').trigger('click');//simulates a click on the next button
} );

If you change $(document) to $('.viewport'), ensure that <div class="viewport"> is focused when keypress event occurs.

Answer №2

There are 3 different jQuery keyboard options available for use: keypress, keydown, and keyup. The choice of which one to use depends on your specific needs. You can implement them in your code like this example:

    if (e.keyCode == 37){ //user pressed the left arrow key
        //perform a certain action
    } else if (e.keyCode == 39){//user pressed the right arrow key
        //perform a different action

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