What is the best way to incorporate a horizontal scroll bar that remains fixed at the bottom of the screen?

Within my main container, I have a div that has a height fitting perfectly into the main container but a width wider than the main container with an overflow for the horizontal scroll bar.

The challenge that I am facing is: 1. Instead of requiring the user to scroll to the bottom of the page and then use the horizontal scroll bar, I would like the horizontal scroll bar to be fixed at the bottom of the view (not within the div).

  1. Upon loading, I want the horizontal scroll bar to be visible at the bottom of the user's screen. As the user scrolls down, the horizontal scroll bar should move down the page until it reaches the bottom where it will remain at the bottom of the div (not the window).

Any assistance on this matter would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.


Answer №1

Here is my approach:

    function begin() {
      // Let's determine our requirements
          /* Window's height */
        var bodyHeight     = document.body.offsetHeight;
           /* Window's width */
        var bodyWidth     = document.body.offsetWidth;
          /* Table container */
        var myTable         = document.getElementById('tablefixed');
          /* Table container's height */
        var tableHeight   = myTable.offsetHeight;
          /* Content */
        var content =document.getElementById('gotainer');  
          /* Let's focus on layout */
        var col1Width    = 250;
        var tableWidth = 400;

          // Adjust values accordingly
        if (bodyHeight < tableHeight) 

               { /* If body's height is less than table */
                  content.style.height = tableHeight+ 20 +'px';
                  window.onscroll = function() {scrolling();    }
                  myTable.style.height =  bodyHeight+'px';

         /* Keep an eye on col1 & col2 to stay within screen and cover full height */
        var column1 = document.getElementById('col1');
        var column2  =document.getElementById('content');
          /* Limit width */
        column2.style.width = bodyWidth - col1Width - tableWidth -50 +'px';
          /* Set height if CSS doesn't */
        //column1.style.height= content.offsetHeight+'px';
        //column2.style.height= content.offsetHeight+'px';

    function scrolling() {
    function scrolling() {
if(!window.pageYOffset) {
     var pageScroll = document.getElementById('scrolling').scrollTop;  

else {
    var pageScroll = window.pageYOffset;
    var content =document.getElementById('gotainer');
    var tableContainer = document.getElementById('tablefixed');
    tableContainer.style.margin='-'+pageScroll+'px 0  0';
        var content =document.getElementById('gotainer');
        var tableContainer = document.getElementById('tablefixed');
        tableContainer.style.margin='-'+pageScroll+'px 0  0';

    window.onload     = begin ;
    window.onresize   = begin;
    window.onscroll   = scrolling;

Please note:(in case you missed it) - this code is for beginners.
View my codepen http://codepen.io/gcyrillus/pen/CHfAb It also works with Firefox.

Answer №2

A simple and user-friendly solution for creating custom scrollbars that work seamlessly on desktops, tablets, and phones.

This tool is compatible with DIVs, IFrames, textareas, and even the overall document page (body) scrollbars.

Whether you need horizontal or vertical scrolling, this solution has got you covered.

Find out more by visiting:

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