What is the best way to incorporate a company logo with its name into a website while also utilizing <h1> headings effectively?

As I design a fixed navigation for my website, it will feature a logo with the company name and an icon. Since the company name is already included in the logo itself, I am debating whether to use a header tag in my HTML. However, I do want search engines to recognize my company name in the h1 tag for SEO benefits. Would setting the CSS property value display:none; on the h1 element be a viable solution?

Answer №1

Here is a suggestion for creating the following design:

  <img src="logo.png" alt="My business name">

The alternative text serves as the headline's text.

Answer №2

When it comes to the alt attribute of the img element, its main purpose is to provide a description of the image for bots and screen readers.

According to Google's official blog, they specifically use the "alt" attribute when crawling websites:

Since the Googlebot cannot see images directly, we rely heavily on the information provided in the "alt" attribute.

Answer №3

My recommendation would be to utilize the image as a background-image for the h1 element. This way, you can include text if needed and customize its appearance by applying styles like font-size: 0 or employing a negative value for text-indent to conceal the text content.

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