What is the best way to highlight the active link in my sidebar navigation bar when using material design in an Angular application?

<div class="mt-3">

      <a mat-list-item class="ml-2" style="font-size:15px;" (click)='paycard.html'>
      <a mat-list-item class="ml-2" style="font-size:15px;" (click)='paycard.html'>
      <a mat-list-item class="ml-2" style="font-size:15px;" (click)='paycard.html'>
          OIL TICKETS
      <a mat-list-item class="ml-2" style="font-size:15px;" (click)='paycard.html'>
          MY TIME
      <a mat-list-item class="ml-2" style="font-size:15px;" (click)='paycard.html'>
          APPROVE TIME
      <a mat-list-item class="ml-2" style="font-size:15px;" (click)='paycard.html'>

Snippet from my Angular app's html navigation page. I want to highlight the active link but need help doing this with material design. Also, if there's a way to collapse it, that information would be appreciated. Thank you.

Answer №1

In the documentation for Angular's Routing and Navigation, it explains how to utilize the routerLinkActive directive.

   <a mat-list-item 
        routerLinkActive="active_route"> Paycard </a>

This code will apply the .active_route class to the current route, allowing you to customize its appearance:

.active_route {
  text-decoration: underline;

If your links are similar, consider using {pathMatch: full} in the router link options (for example, if you have routes like "/pay" and "/pay/card").

Answer №2

To implement routing within a tag, you can utilize the routerLinkActive attribute to apply a specific CSS class when the route is active.

In your scenario, it would be structured similar to the following example:

<a mat-list-item class="ml-2" style="font-size:15px;" (click)='paycard.html'
routerLink="service" routerLinkActive="<css class for active state"> SERVICE </a>

If you require further information, visit this link.

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