What is the best way to have a JavaScript div display automatically upon loading, but then be hidden when a different div link is clicked

Feel free to check out a sample of my page here: . My goal is to load the MEC div and then close it when clicking on another link, like Minimum Value Plans in the top bar. I experimented with setting it to "display:block" instead of "display:none", but unfortunately, this approach doesn't allow me to close it.

Displayed below is the JavaScript code that I am currently using:

lastone = 'empty';

function showIt(lyr) {
    if (lastone !== 'empty') lastone.style.display = 'none';
    lastone = document.getElementById(lyr);
    lastone.style.display = 'block';

function hideIt(lyr) {
    if (lastone !== 'empty') lastone.style.display = 'block';
    lastone = document.getElementById(lyr);
    lastone.style.display = 'none';

Additionally, here is an example of the link code:

<a href="JavaScript:"showonlyone";" onClick="showIt('MEC')" class="homeheader">MEC Plans 

<div id="MEC" style="display:none;">
    <p class=textwhheader>MEC Plans enable employers to provide qualifying coverage to their employees on a self-funded basis, satisfying the individual mandate.

    <a id='register'

                                class="btn red pure-button pure-button-primary"

                                style="font-size:13.33px; font-weight:700; line-height:26px; height:24px;vertical-align:middle;"


                                title="Click here to learn more.">

                                Learn More


Answer №1

Since the link I provided earlier was not functioning properly, here is an alternative solution for you:

        <a id="first option" onClick="toggleDiv('myDiv1');">Option 1</a>
        <a id="first option" onClick="toggleDiv('myDiv2');">Option 2</a>
<div id="myDiv1">
    <span>Some data here</span>
<div id="myDiv2" style="display:none">
    <span>Div 2 data</span>

var currentActiveDiv = 'myDiv1';

toggleDiv = function(id){
    var domElement = document.getElementById(id);

    if (currentActiveDiv && currentActiveDiv !== id){
        var elementToHide = document.getElementById(currentActiveDiv);
        elementToHide.style.display = 'none';

    domElement.style.display = 'block';
    currentActiveDiv = id;

Best Regards, David.

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