What is the best way to handle a 3-element mode using an onClick function in Next.js?

Creating an accordion menu in Next.js comes with the challenge of implementing 3 different modes for an element:

  1. The first mode is default, where no click event has occurred: .mainLi_default
  2. In the second mode, the first click event triggers the opening of the menu with a specific style: .mainLi_open
  3. When a click event occurs on the same element again, the menu must close with a different specific style: .mainLi_recentOpen
export default function Menu() {
  const context = useContext(navItems);
  const listItems = context.listItems;
  const [selectItemId, setSelectItemId] = useState();
  function selectItemHandler(id, item) {

  return (
      {listItems.map((menuItems) => {
        return (
          <ul key={menuItems.id} className={`${styles.list}`}>
              className={`${styles.mainLi} ${menuItems.id == selectItemId ? styles.mainLi_open : styles.mainLi_default}`}
              onClick={() => {
              <div className={`${styles.options}`}>
                  <IoIosArrowDown />
              <ul className={styles.subMenu}>
                {menuItems.subItems.map((subitem) => {
                  return (
                    <li key={subitem.id}>
                      <Link href={subitem.path}>{subitem.title}</Link>
/* used inside : nav-menu/menu/index.js */
.list {
  @apply flex w-full flex-col px-4 py-2;
.mainLi {
  @apply w-full;
.mainLi .options {
  @apply flex w-full cursor-pointer items-center justify-start gap-2 font-R-bold capitalize;
.mainLi .options span:nth-child(1) {
  @apply text-20;
.mainLi .options span:nth-child(2) {
  @apply text-16;
.mainLi .options span:nth-child(3) {
  @apply ml-auto text-20;
.mainLi .subMenu {
  @apply mt-4 flex w-full flex-col gap-2 px-6 font-R-regular capitalize text-secondary;
/* menu status classes */
/* Start default status (default) */
.mainLi_default .options span:nth-child(1) {
  @apply text-mute;
.mainLi_default .options span:nth-child(2) {
  @apply text-mute;
.mainLi_default .options span:nth-child(3) {
  @apply text-mute;
.mainLi_default .subMenu {
  @apply hidden text-secondary;
/* End default status (default) */
/* Start open status */
.mainLi_open .options span:nth-child(1) {
  @apply text-primary;
.mainLi_open .options span:nth-child(2) {
  @apply text-primary;
.mainLi_open .options span:nth-child(3) {
  @apply rotate-180 text-secondary;
.mainLi_open .subMenu {
  @apply flex text-secondary;
/* End open status */
/* START recentOpen status */
.mainLi_recentOpen .options span:nth-child(1) {
  @apply text-secondary;
.mainLi_recentOpen .options span:nth-child(2) {
  @apply text-secondary;
.mainLi_recentOpen .options span:nth-child(3) {
  @apply rotate-180 text-secondary;
.mainLi_recentOpen .subMenu {
  @apply hidden text-secondary;
/* End recentOpen status */
/* menu status classes */

I have successfully implemented the first and second modes, but I am currently working on figuring out how to manage the last mode.

Answer №1

To implement a feature where user can track their recently opened items, utilize useState([]) to create an array. When the user clicks on an item, check if its ID already exists in the array. If not, save the ID along with existing values in the array. Within the component's classname, ascertain whether the current ID exists in the useState Array. If it does, apply a specific classname for styling purposes.

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