What is the best way to generate this arc using CSS3?

What is the most effective method for creating this unique shape using CSS3?

The square image should be clearly defined.

We greatly appreciate any insight you can offer.


I have put in a lot of effort, but standard CSS methods are not getting me there.

I have extensively searched 'Arc' and similar terms online to no avail.

This is the complete image:

The challenge lies in making it span the full width of the container. I initially tried using an image, but when the screen size exceeds 1400px, the image distorts. It would be fantastic if this could be resolved using only CSS.

Answer №1

It's really quite easy if you follow these steps!

To achieve the desired effect, use this HTML structure:

<div class="curvedborder">
  <img src=""/>
  <div class="colorfulborder"></div>

Then, apply the following CSS styling:

.effectborder img{

That's it! Check out this example for reference.

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