What is the best way to ensure that a canvas created using JavaScript spans 100% of the width?

Working with a canvas element generated by Javascript, see the code snippet below: http://jsfiddle.net/mtvzgnmm/

<div id="circle"></div>
        value: 0.75,
        size: 400,
        fill: {
            gradient: ["#e57569"]

Now, the issue is that the #circle div is contained within another div of 500px width and creating a mobile version is proving difficult as I can't seem to make the canvas element 100% wide...

Answer №1

Give this a shot when initializing:

size: $('#circle').parent().width(),

This code will locate the #circle element, find its parent, and adjust the canvas' width to match that of its parent.

As a result, the canvas will expand to fill 100% of its parent's width.

Take a look on JSFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/mtvzgnmm/1/

Answer №2

To easily customize the canvas element, simply add the desired style directly to it. For instance, modify this single line of code:

var canvas = this.canvas = this.canvas || $('<canvas style="width:100%">').prependTo(this.el)[0];

An even better approach would be to include class="mobilefull":


You can then assign this class in your JavaScript code if you are detecting mobile devices, or employ media queries for a more responsive design:

@media only screen and (max-width: 640px){

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