What is the best way to ensure text starts on a new line when paragraphs and images are floating and aligned?

Does anyone have a clearer title idea? Feel free to edit.

To better illustrate my point, I've created a jsfiddle.

I am working with a simple layout of text and images. My goal is to make the second text and image appear on a new row just below the first image and its title.

I attempted to use "clearfix" (jsfiddle) but it did not work:

.clearfix:after {
  content: "";
  display: table;
  clear: both;

It seems like I am missing something straightforward due to my limited CSS/HTML knowledge.

Answer №1

Let me clarify some misconceptions that have been addressed in a previous answer.

Firstly, your selector for .clearfix does not target the br element because of the incorrect use of quotation marks:

<br class=”clearfix” />

In HTML, attribute values do not necessarily need to be enclosed in quotes if they do not contain spaces. Therefore, your markup is effectively interpreted as

<br class="”clearfix”" />

Secondly, it's important to note that br elements are void elements and cannot contain any content. The use of ::after pseudo-element to insert content inside void elements like br will not work as intended.

If you wish to implement a clearfix, consider using a non-void element such as div.

This approach should resolve the issue. It's worth mentioning that clearfix is typically used on wrapper elements containing floats to ensure proper alignment, rather than directly on individual elements.

For simply clearing a float, it's more appropriate to utilize the clear property instead.

Answer №2

Adjust the size of the <p> element by modifying its height property in your stylesheet.

p {height: 218px;}

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