Apologies for the unclear title of my issue. I struggled to find the right words to describe it while searching for a solution.
I have fixed-size divs that need to be floated left and behave like inline blocks. On the right side of the page, there is a content area. Check out this example to see what I mean: http://jsfiddle.net/7sp5M/. Changing the width of the Result area causes the divs to adjust accordingly, but there's a gap between the blocks and the Content area. I want the Content area to have a minimum width and expand horizontally to fill this gap: .
For instance, let's say a block's width is 100px; the minimum width of the content area should be 200px. Ideally, I'd like the Content width to range from 200px to 299px based on the width of the blocks.
Is it feasible to achieve this using only HTML and CSS? I'm open to table solutions if necessary.
Update: Thank you all for your feedback. It appears that achieving this behavior solely with HTML/CSS may not be possible. As I'm still learning CSS, I ended up implementing the desired functionality using JavaScript and jQuery, which met my requirements perfectly.