What is the best way to emphasize specific months and years in an Angular Material datepicker?

I have an array of days, which can be from any year. I am attempting to customize the Angular Material datepicker to highlight specific months and years in the selection views based on the array of days.


<input [matDatepicker]="picker" />
<i class="fas fa-chevron-down"></i>
<mat-datepicker #picker></mat-datepicker>


arrayOfDays = [new Date('2019-01-01'), new Date('2020-08-10'),  new Date('2020-09-20')];

The goal is to highlight the years 2019 and 2020 in the year view, and if 2019 is selected, then highlight the month of January, and if 2020 is selected, then highlight the months of May & August with a red border, excluding the current month and year as shown in the images below.

Is this feasible?

I have researched extensively and attempted various methods such as dateClass, (yearSelected) event, but have not been successful in applying them for Months and Years views. If anyone has knowledge on how to achieve this, kindly provide assistance.

For your information - https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-date-class-filter-aactjv was one solution I found for customizing dates view, however, I am seeking similar implementation for Year and Month views.

Thank you in advance.

Answer №1

It can be quite challenging to control the Material Angular date picker events. While there may be other approaches, one way is to use a custom header component as explained in this Stack Overflow post

Firstly, let's create a dataService

  providedIn: "root"
export class DataService {
  arrayOfDays = [
    new Date("2019-01-01"),
    new Date("2020-08-10"),
    new Date("2020-09-20")

  constructor() {}
  displayMonth(year: number, view: string) {
    // Function implementation here

After injecting the dataService in the ExampleHeader and in the component, handling user interactions like clicks on period labels or buttons will trigger the service function

// Code snippet for handling user interactions

Futhermore, it's necessary to handle year selections from the main component

// Year selection handling

You can find a working example on StackBlitz

Update: For simply marking specific months without a custom header, you can rely on the (yearSelected) event instead

// Implementation without custom header

Check out this StackBlitz example

Answer №2

To customize the month names displayed in your application, you can override the getMonthNames method in your dateAdapter.

Simply return an array of 12 strings of your choosing to replace the default month names.

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