What is the best way to display link text when the sidebar is collapsed on Angular 9?

Is it possible to have the anchor tag's title attribute, like title="link name", only show up when the navbar is collapsed? I have multiple links in the HTML file but to keep things concise, I've chosen to display only a few.

This is the .html template:

    <nav class="navbar-default navbar-static-side" role="navigation">
      ... (rest of the code)

To save space and focus on pertinent information, I've shortened the TypeScript file as well. Here is the relevant part:

.ts file

    import { Component } from '@angular/core';
    // (imports and declarations)

      selector: 'navigation',
      templateUrl: 'navigation.template.html',

    export class NavigationComponent {
      // (icon declarations)
      constructor(public globals: GlobalsService,private router: Router) {}

      ngAfterViewInit() {

        if (jQuery("body").hasClass('fixed-sidebar')) {
            height: '100%'


Answer №1

Angular allows for conditional attribute addition, meaning you can choose to include the title attribute only when the sidebar is collapsed.

<a class="nav-link" [attr.title]="isSidebarCollapsed ? 'Release Notes' : null">
  Release notes

To make this work, create a variable called isSidebarCollapsed in the NavigationComponent. Set it to true when the sidebar is collapsed, and false otherwise.

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