I am facing an issue with two iFrames, if1 and if2. The if1 contains a menu that has a height of 100%, while if1 itself has a height of only 10%. On the other hand, if2 has a height of 90%. These two iFrames are positioned horizontally. When the menu in if1 is clicked, it shows only a 10% view and the remaining part of the menu goes back to if2. How can I bring the menu above both iFrames? Is there another approach to solving this problem?
<div id="xwikimaincontainer" >
<iframe src="https://localhost/headerFile" width="100%" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" height="200px" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen wmode="transparent"></iframe>
<div id="xwikimaincontainerinner"> Here main content comes</div>
The code snippet above shows that the xwikimaincontainer div contains the header file source of one application with a menu, while the xwikimaincontainerinner div contains the xwiki application.