If you're looking to display multiple elements, it's best to use a class instead of an id, as suggested by other responses. Instead of using #attack, opt for .attack.
However, using .attack can cause issues when positioning these elements with JQuery, as it will target all elements with the class "attack" and move them to the same spot.
The ideal solution is to use both class and id identifiers. For example:
<div class="attack" id="attackOne"></div>
<div class="attack" id="attackTwo"></div>
With this setup, you can dynamically create these elements using JQuery's clone() function. To create the second div based on the first, you could use:
$(".attack").clone().attr('id', "attackTwo").appendTo(//wherever you want);
Then, you can use the id selector #attackTwo to manipulate and apply JQuery specifically to that individual element.
Check out this demo