What is the best way to define a recursive object type in TypeScript specifically for managing CSS styles?

I have implemented React.CSSProperties to generate css variables, allowing me to define styles like

let css: React.CSSProperties = {
  position: "relative",
  display: "inline-block",
  background: "red"

My goal is to build a theme with css variables at the root level or nested within modifiers such as size (sm, md, lg) or variant (light, dark) or others, as shown below:

let theme: MyTheme = {
  background: "red",       // css
  color: "white",          // css  

  button: {                // custom: component name Level1
    background: "red",     // css
    color: "white",        // css

    light: {               // custom: modifier variant Level2
      background: "red",   // css
      color: "white",      // css

      hollow: {            // custom: modifier Level3
        borderColor: "red",
        color: "red",
        background: "transparent",
    dark: {
      background: "red",
      color: "white",

      hollow: {
        borderColor: "black",
        color: "black",
        background: "transparent",

        modfierLevel4: {
          some: "css"

          modfierLevel5: {
            some: "css"

            modfierLevel6: {
              some: "css"

Essentially, I am looking for a recursive object type in typescript similar to the example below, but encountering circular reference issues:

type Modifiers = 'button' | 'dark' | 'light' | 'otherModifiers'

interface Theme extends React.CSSProperties {
 [k in Modifiers]?: Theme;

I found a solution that is close to what I need:

type Theme = React.CSSProperties & { [keys in Modifiers]?: Theme }

However, I am facing an issue. If an invalid modifier name like "btn" instead of "button" is provided:

  • An error is correctly thrown at level 1 (as expected)
  • No error is thrown from level 2 and above (even though it should be)

How can I define types to handle this scenario?

Answer №1

If you are working with TS3.4 or an older version:

There is a known issue detailed in this GitHub thread, where nested intersection types like Theme do not undergo excess property checks as expected. In TypeScript, types are usually considered "open" or "extendable", allowing values to have additional properties beyond what's defined in the type. For instance, defining interface A { a: string } and extending it with

interface B extends A { b: string }
permits values of type B to also be treated as values of type A.

However, when working with object literals, adding extra properties can often lead to errors. Particularly in cases where the "extra" property is simply a typo for an optional property. The compiler aims to enforce strictness by flagging extra properties when assigning new object literals to a type. Freshly created object literals are meant to be "closed" or "exact", but there is a bug that impacts nested intersections in TypeScript versions 3.4 and below.

In TypeScript 3.4 or before, this behavior can be observed:

type Foo = { baseProp: string, recursiveProp?: Foo };
const foo: Foo = {
    baseProp: "a",
    recursiveProp: {
        baseProp: "b",
        extraProp: "error as expected" // error 👍

type Bar = { baseProp: string } & { recursiveProp?: Bar };
const bar: Bar = {
    baseProp: "a",
    recursiveProp: {
        baseProp: "b",
        extraProp: "no error?!" // no error in TS3.4 😕

You may explore the Playground link for further examples.

Fortunately, this issue has been addressed and resolved starting from TypeScript 3.5, with an anticipated release on May 30, 2019. If you cannot wait until then or upgrade immediately, you can implement a workaround by using a mapped type to replace the problematic intersection with a standard-looking object:

type Id<T> = { [K in keyof T]: T[K] };
type Bar = Id<{ baseProp: string } & { recursiveProp?: Bar }>;
const bar: Bar = {
    baseProp: "a",
    recursiveProp: {
        baseProp: "b",
        recursiveProp: {
            baseProp: "c",
            extraProp: "error yay" 👍

Refer to the Playground link for clarity on resolving the issue. Best of luck!

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