What is the best way to combine two distinct SVG images?

I recently separated two SVGs that used to be one combined SVG to have better control over the layers. Now I am trying to overlap them in my code.

Below is the code snippet:

<Grid container direction="row" justify="center" style={{ height: '90vh', paddingTop: 80, backgroundImage:`url("/media/bg/bg-2.svg")`, backgroundSize:'cover'}}>
                    <Grid item sm={5} style={{ color: 'white', maxWidth: 500, paddingTop: 140 }}>
                        <h1 style={{ fontWeight: 700, color: '#E2A2A5' }}> Lorem Ipsum </h1>

                        <p style={{fontSize: 20}}>
                            Lorem Ipsum
                    <Grid item sm={6}> 
                        <img src={toAbsoluteUrl('/media/images/computer.svg')} alt="computer" />
                        <img src={toAbsoluteUrl('/media/images/book.svg')} alt="book" />                        

View the current layout here

My goal is to achieve a stack effect with the two SVGs overlaying each other like shown here

I suspect that the issue lies within the SCSS/CSS styling, and I am seeking guidance on how to achieve the desired outcome through coding solutions.

Your assistance would be highly valued. Thank you! :)

Answer №1

To create a layered effect with two items, consider wrapping them in a container with the CSS property position: relative

Next, you can set the SVGs to have position: absolute

This allows you to control the stacking order of the SVG elements using the z-index property, determining which one appears on top of the other.

For precise positioning, utilize properties like bottom, top, left, and right to place elements exactly where you want them and maintain full control over their placement.


It is crucial to use position: relative because absolutely positioned elements are placed according to their nearest parent element with position: relative.

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