What is the best way to clear and fill a div without causing it to resize?

I am faced with a challenge involving four thumbnail divs labeled .jobs within a #job-wrap container. When a .job is clicked, I want the #job-wrap to fade out, clear its contents, load information from the selected .job, and then fade back in. However, when I empty the #job-wrap, the rest of my website shifts abruptly because the .jobs no longer occupy any space. How can I maintain the height of #job-wrap after the content is cleared and new content is loaded?

    var job = $(this).attr("name");
    var jh = $('#job-wrap').height();
    $('#job-wrap').css('height', jh);
    $('#job-wrap').fadeOut(700, function(){
        $(this).load("content.html#" + job, function(){

I've attempted to set the current height of #job-wrap to itself before clearing the contents, but it hasn't been successful. The alert does show the varying height due to the site's responsiveness.

<div id="job-wrap">
                <a class="link">
                    <div class="job" name="eventuall">
                        <div class="job-img">
                            <img src="images/thumb-eventuall.png" />
                        <div class="job-blurb">
                            <p>UX Design, Front End </p>
                <a class="link">
                <div class="job">
                    <div class="job-img">
                        <img src="images/thumb-audivy.png" />
                    <div class="job-blurb">
                        <p>UX Design</p>

This is the HTML structure that the function is targeting. Any assistance would be highly appreciated.

Answer №1

To create a smooth transition effect, apply a min-height property to the element with the ID of #job-wrap and use opacity animation instead of fading in and out. The fade method changes the element's display attribute to none within the callback function.

    var job = $(this).attr("name");
    var jh = $('#job-wrap').height();
    $('#job-wrap').css('height', jh);

    $('#job-wrap').animate({opacity: 0}, 700, function(){
        $(this).load("content.html#" + job, function(){
            $(this).animate({opacity: 1}, 700);

Answer №2

.fadeOut() gradually decreases opacity and then hides the div by setting display: none;. Perhaps adjusting the opacity along with using visibility: hidden; or another technique to maintain the position of the div could be a solution? This appears to be a common issue with jQuery methods that result in display: none; --- alternatively, if you have fixed dimensions, enclosing the div in a wrapper and applying the current actions on the inner div may work better.

Answer №3

If you're looking to enhance the visibility of certain elements on your website, consider utilizing the min-height property in combination with outerHeight, along with incorporating an inner wrapper. By setting the min-height on the outer wrapper, it will ensure that the outer wrapper remains visible. The inner wrapping div is then responsible for being emptied and hidden. You can refer to this JSFiddle example or utilize the following code snippet:

    var job = $(this).attr("name");
    var jh = $('#job-wrap').outerHeight();
    $('#job-wrap').css('min-height', jh);
    $('#job-wrap-inner').fadeOut(700, function(){
        $(this).load("content.html#" + job, function(){
            // uncomment to reset the min-height after loading
            // $('#job-wrap').css('min-height', 'inherit');


<h1>Top Content</h1>
<div id="job-wrap">
    <div id="job-wrap-inner"> <a class="link">
        <div class="job" name="eventuall">
                            <div class="job-img">
                                <img src="images/thumb-eventuall.png" />
                            <div class="job-blurb">
                                <p>UX Design, Front End </p>
     <a class="link">
                    <div class="job">
                        <div class="job-img">
                            <img src="images/thumb-audivy.png" />
                        <div class="job-blurb">
                            <p>UX Design</p>

<h1>Bottom Content</h1>

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