What is the best way to change the size of an SVG image

I have exhausted all the methods I could find on stackoverflow and Google, but my SVG is refusing to resize. Would someone kindly shed some light on why this might be happening?

  <svg viewBox="32 32 32 32" height="100" width="100">
        <g transform="translate(0,-952.36218)">
          <path d="m 50,971.36219 c -1.656801,0 -3,1.34315 -3,3 l 0,24.99998 -25,0 c -1.6568,0 -3,1.34313 -3,3.00003 0,1.6568 1.3432,3 3,3 l 25,0 0,25 c 0,1.6568 1.343199,3 3,3 1.656899,0 3,-1.3432 3,-3 l 0,-25 25,0 c 1.656801,0 3,-1.3432 3,-3 0,-1.6569 -1.343199,-3.00003 -3,-3.00003 l -25,0 0,-24.99998 c 0,-1.65685 -1.343101,-3 -3,-3 z"
            fill="#ffffff" fill-opacity="1" stroke="none" marker="none" visibility="visible" display="inline" overflow="visible"


Answer №2

To adjust the size of your SVG image, you can modify the 'width' and 'height' attributes within the tag.

<svg viewBox="32 32 32 32" height="100" width="100">

Alternatively, you can use CSS in your stylesheet to set the dimensions:

<div style='background:red'>
  <svg viewBox="32 32 32 32" height="100" width="100">
        <g transform="translate(0,-952.36218)">
          <path d="m 50,971.36219 c -1.656801,0 -3,1.34315 -3,3 l 0,24.99998 -25,0 c -1.6568,0 -3,1.34313 -3,3.00003 0,1.6568 1.3432,3 3,3 l 25,0 0,25 c 0,1.6568 1.343199,3 3,3 1.656899,0 3,-1.3432 3,-3 l 0,-25 25,0 c 1.656801,0 3,-1.3432 3,-3 0,-1.6569 -1.343199,-3.00003 -3,-3.00003 l -25,0 0,-24.99998 c 0,-1.65685 -1.343101,-3 -3,-3 z"
            fill="#ffffff" fill-opacity="1" stroke="none" marker="none" visibility="visible" display="inline" overflow="visible"

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