What is the best way to build a personalized discussion platform: employing tables, <ul> <li>, <dl> <dt>, or div elements?

Looking to create flexible columns and rows with borders on the left and right of each column. If one row in a column stretches more, the other columns in that row should also stretch accordingly. Came across liquid 2 column layouts and 3 column layouts, but those involve divs. After researching on phpbb forums, discovered they use "ul" and "li" tags for their forums, or there's the table method... which might be the simplest way to go.

Still unsure about the best approach. Considering SEO friendliness as well (in case any method is preferred over others).

Answer №1

For creating a forum, I recommend utilizing an HTML table.

Since forums generally require tabular data, the HTML table is the most suitable element for organizing information.

It's worth noting that although HTML tables have their purpose, they should not be misused for layout design.

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