To clarify, it seems like you are wanting to connect the language with the brand divs at the top. One way to achieve this is by incorporating a data-lang attribute in your HTML and assigning IDs to your links. Using (data-something) allows you to create custom attributes for use with jQuery.
<a class="lang" href="#0" id="german">German</a>
<a class="lang" href="#0" id="english">English</a>
<div id="container">
<div data-lang="german">This is a brand div</div>
<div data-lang="english">This is another brand div</div>
<div data-lang="english">This is an English brand div</div>
Next, in your jQuery code, you can implement the following:
//variables (caching)
var langLink = $('.lang');
var langId;
var dataLang;
langLink.on('click', function(event) {
// prevention of page refresh upon link click
// obtaining the clicked links' IDs using $(this)
langId = $(this).attr('id');
// locating the divs with matching data-lang values within a shared parent element (in this case, body)
dataLang = $(this).parent('body').find('div[data-lang="' + langId + '"]');
// temporary array to store found divs
var temp = [];
// storing located divs in temp array
// removing them from the DOM
// looping through temp array and prepending divs to the container
for (var i = 0; i < temp.length; i++) {
This approach outlines one method to accomplish the task, though there may be alternative ways to achieve the same result.
To see this process in action, feel free to check out this JSFiddle.