I tried using the code provided, but unfortunately, I was unable to Override the fill. The issue seems to have been resolved, but can someone help me achieve this using tailwind CSS?
<div className="">
<svg className="text-green-600 fill-current" width="52" height="52" viewBox="0 0 52 52" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<path d="M29.25 17.875C29.25 17.444 29.0788 17.0307 28.774 16.726C28.4693 16.4212 28.056 16.25 27.625 16.25C27.194 16.25 26.7807 16.4212 26.476 16.726C26.1712 17.0307 26 17.444 26 17.875V22.75H21.125C20.694 22.75 20.2807 22.9212 19.976 23.226C19.6712 23.5307 19.5 23.944 19.5 24.375C19.5 24.806 19.6712 25.2193 19.976 25.524C20.2807 25.8288 20.694 26 21.125 26H26V30.875C26 31.306 26.1712 31.7193 26.476 32.024C26.7807 32.3288 27.194 32.5 27.625 32.5C...