What is the best way to apply "display: none;" on a span element nested within a title attribute?

I am utilizing the social-share-button gem to share blog posts on social media. The website has been internationalized, making it bilingual (English and German). Everything is functioning correctly, but I encounter an issue with the social share buttons when switching to German:


<div id="share_box">
    <% if I18n.locale == :de %>
        <h3 class="share_title wow bounceIn" data-wow-duration="1400ms" data-wow-delay="200ms">Teile diesen Beitrag</h3>
    <% else %>
        <h3 class="share_title wow bounceIn" data-wow-duration="1400ms" data-wow-delay="200ms">Share this Post</h3>
    <% end %>
    <div class="wow fadeIn" data-wow-duration="1400ms" data-wow-delay="200ms">
        <% if I18n.locale == :de %>
            <%= social_share_button_tag(@post.title_de, :url => post_url(@post)) %>
        <% else %>
            <%= social_share_button_tag(@post.title_en, :url => post_url(@post)) %>
        <% end %>


<a rel="nofollow " data-site="twitter" class="ssb-icon ssb-twitter" onclick="return SocialShareButton.share(this);" title="Share to Twitter" href="#"></a>


<a rel="nofollow " data-site="twitter" class="ssb-icon ssb-twitter" onclick="return SocialShareButton.share(this);" title="<span class=" translation_missing"="">Share To" href="#"></a>

There appears to be a translation missing inside the gem causing this undesirable text to appear! To address this issue, I want to hide the text using CSS. However, I am struggling to target the text!

This is what I have attempted so far:

1) Had zero effect

.translation_missing {
  display: none !important;

2) The whole icons disappeared

a[title] {
  display: none !important;

3) Tried to get rid of it with JavaScript (Only the hover text disappeared)

$(document).ready(function() {

Hover text was:

<span class=

Element on Inspect with JavaScript:

<a rel="nofollow " data-site="twitter" class="ssb-icon ssb-twitter" onclick="return SocialShareButton.share(this);" translation_missing"="">Share To" href="#"></a>

If anyone has any suggestions on how to solve this issue and remove this unwanted text, your help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you in advance!

Answer №1

Utilize dynamic calling and the I18n module instead of cluttering your code with conditionals.

module PostsHelper
  def localized_title(post, locale: I18n.locale)

<div id="share_box">
  <h3 class="share_title wow bounceIn" data-wow-duration="1400ms" data-wow-delay="200ms"><%= t('.share_this_post') %></h3>
   <div class="wow fadeIn" data-wow-duration="1400ms" data-wow-delay="200ms">
     <%= social_share_button_tag(localized_title(@post), url: post_url(@post)) %>

The coding quality in that gem is subpar - to avoid generating invalid HTML this line:

link_title = t "social_share_button.share_to", :name => t("social_share_button.#{name.downcase}")

Should verify if the translation exists (using translate!) or offer a default:

link_title = strip_tags(t("social_share_button.share_to", default: 'Share to')), :name => strip_tags(t("social_share_button.#{name.downcase}", default: name))

If you have a strong preference for that specific gem, consider forking it, making necessary fixes, and submitting a pull request. Otherwise, there are numerous alternative options available.

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