What is the best way to apply CSS to an image within a list item that is within an unordered list nested inside a specific

I've encountered an issue in my html file related to a navigation bar situated at the top of my page. The code snippet that initiates this navigation bar is as follows:

    <div class="“topNav">
        <li><img src="assets/map.png"> <a href="locations.html">Locations</a></li>
        <li><img src="assets/length.png"> <a href="length.html">Length</a></li>

This structure continues on with other elements.

As for my CSS efforts, I attempted the following:

.topNav img {
  width: 10%;
  height: auto;

However, it appears that the img styling is not being applied correctly due to its nested location within li and ul tags. Ideally, I'd like only the images within my topNav to have a width of 10%, without affecting other images on the page located elsewhere.

Answer №1

Your HTML code has an additional unnecessary character here

<div class="“topNav">

JS Fiddle Link

.topNav img {
  border:2px green solid;
<div class="topNav">
    <li><img src="//placehold.it/100x50?text=img-1"> <a href="locations.html">Locations</a></li>
    <li><img src="//placehold.it/100x50?text=img-2"> <a href="length.html">Length</a></li>
    <li><img src="//placehold.it/100x50?text=img-3"> <a href="locations.html">Locations</a></li>
    <li><img src="//placehold.it/100x50?text=img-4"> <a href="length.html">Length</a></li></ul>

Answer №2

To target the navigation bar links, you can utilize either .topNav > ul>li>img or .topNav ul li img. Both selectors are valid.

Answer №3

Aside from @pritesh's feedback, there seems to be a mistake in your code. The correct syntax should be <div class="topNav">, not <div class="“topNav">.

Hopefully, fixing this typo will resolve the issue you are experiencing.

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