What is the best way to apply CSS to a specific row in AngularJS?

I am currently developing a to-do list using AngularJS. It's almost completed but I have a question regarding highlighting the entire row when in editing mode by adding a CSS class "yellow". Unfortunately, I'm unsure how to achieve this.

Additionally, I would like some feedback on whether my coding approach is correct or incorrect.

Here is the JSFiddle link for reference:


Below you can find the code snippets:


<div ng-app="myapp">
<div class="container" ng-controller="mainCtrl">
        <h3>Todo List</h3>
        <input type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="create your todos" ng-model="newItem">
        <p class="help-block text-center red" ng-show="!newItem && empty">*Fill the field.</p>

        <table class="table">
                <tr ng-repeat="todoList in todoLists">
                    <td><a class="btn {{disabled}} pull-right" href="" ng-click="remove(todoList)">delete</a>
                        <a class="btn {{disabled}} pull-right" href="" ng-click="edit($index)">edit</a> </td>

            <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary btn-lg btn-block" ng-click="add()" ng-hide="editMode">ADD</button>
            <button type="button" class="btn btn-default btn-lg btn-block" ng-click="update(newItem)" ng-show="editMode">UPDATE</button>

JavaScript file:

var app = angular.module("myapp", []);
app.controller("mainCtrl", ["$scope", "$rootScope", function($scope, $rootScope){
    $scope.empty = false;
    $scope.editMode = false;

    $scope.todoLists = [{name : "one", edit : "false"},{name : "two", edit : "false"}];

    $scope.add = function(){
        if(!$scope.newItem == ""){
            $scope.todoLists.push({name:$scope.newItem, edit:"false"});
            $scope.newItem = "";
            $scope.empty = false;
            $scope.empty = true;

    $scope.remove = function(item){
        var index = $scope.todoLists.indexOf(item);
        $scope.todoLists.splice(index, 1);

    $scope.edit = function(index){
        $rootScope.ind = index;
        $scope.newItem = $scope.todoLists[$rootScope.ind].name;
        $scope.editMode = true;
        $scope.disabled = "disabled";
        $scope.todoLists[index].edit = "true";

    $scope.update = function(item){
        if(!$scope.newItem == ""){  
            $scope.todoLists[$rootScope.ind].name = item;
            $scope.todoLists[$rootScope.ind].edit = "false";
            $scope.editMode = false;
            $scope.newItem = "";
            $scope.disabled = "";
            $scope.empty = true;


CSS file:


Answer №1

If you want to style elements dynamically in AngularJS, consider using the ng-class directive. https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/directive/ngClass


<tr ng-repeat="todoList in todoLists">


<tr ng-repeat="todoList in todoLists" ng-class="{yellow: editMode && $index == ind}">

Answer №2

Here's a quick example inspired by your fiddle. The concept revolves around using ng-class to trigger a function that assigns a class based on a condition. For instance, when you select a todo for editing, you can set it as the selectedTodo on $scope:

  $scope.edit = function(index){
      $scope.selectedToDo = $scope.todoLists[index];

You can then apply an ng-class to your <tr> element to determine if the todo is selected and apply a specific class, such as .highlighted, if it is.

  $scope.isSelected = function(item) {
      if ($scope.selectedToDo === item) {
          return 'highlighted';

Answer №3

Here is a basic example demonstrating how to utilize the ng-class directive with an existing red class in the demonstration:

<tr ng-repeat="item in items" 
    ng-class="{red:active.item == item}" 

This is how you would set it up in the controller:


Answer №4

Here's an alternative method for assigning different classes to different rows:

ng-class-odd="'odd'" ng-class-even="'even'"

Check out the code snippet below:

<ol ng-init="names=['John', 'Mary', 'Cate', 'Suz']">
  <li ng-repeat="name in names">
   <span ng-class-odd="'odd'" ng-class-even="'even'">
     {{name}} &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;

Don't forget to add the following CSS styling:

.odd {
  color: red;
.even {
  color: blue;

Note that this directive can only be used within the scope of an ngRepeat.

We hope this information proves useful to you!

Answer №5

There are numerous approaches to execute this concept. A simple fix could involve passing the $event parameter through the edit function of the specific row.

<a class="btn {{disabled}} pull-right" href="" ng-click="edit($index,$event)">edit</a> </td>

You can then utilize $event.target to reach the clicked element. By using

, you can access the row element.

Function for Editing

    var EditRow;
    $scope.edit = function(index,$event){
        EditRow = angular.element($event.target).parent().parent(); 
        EditRow.css( "background-color", "#ccc"); // modify css style
            $rootScope.ind = index;
            $scope.newItem = $scope.todoLists[$rootScope.ind].name;
            $scope.editMode = true;
            $scope.disabled = "disabled";
            $scope.todoLists[index].edit = "true";

Function for Updating

$scope.update = function(item){
    if(!$scope.newItem == ""){  
            $scope.todoLists[$rootScope.ind].name = item;
            $scope.todoLists[$rootScope.ind].edit = "false";
            $scope.editMode = false;
            $scope.newItem = "";
            $scope.disabled = "";
            $scope.empty = true;
    EditRow.css( "background-color", "#fff"); // Reverting back to original style

To see a live demonstration, visit this link.

Answer №6

Check out the updated jsfiddle here: http://jsfiddle.net/mv0ne441/ To achieve row highlighting in the table using the 'ng-class' directive, you can apply it to the 'tr' element as mentioned in your question.

<tr ng-repeat="todoList in todoLists" ng-class="{true:'yellow', false:'red'} [todoList.edit == 'true']">
    <td><a class="btn {{disabled}} pull-right" href="" ng-click="remove(todoList)">delete</a>
                    <a class="btn {{disabled}} pull-right" href="" ng-click="edit($index)">edit</a>

Answer №7

If you want to dynamically add a CSS class based on the selected index in AngularJS, you can make use of the ng-class directive.

Sample HTML snippet:

<tr ng-repeat="todoList in todoLists" ng-class="{'yellow': selectedIndex == $index}">

Angular JS function examples:

 $scope.edit = function(index) {
   $scope.selectedIndex = index;

 // Reset the selectedIndex to -1
  $scope.update = function(item) {
  if (!$scope.newItem == "") {
     $scope.selectedIndex = -1;

Check out the Live Demo on JSFiddle

Answer №8

i have implemented the latest code updates, please review it.

Make sure to utilize ng-class for styling.

var app = angular.module("myapp", []);
app.controller("mainCtrl", ["$scope", "$rootScope",
  function($scope, $rootScope) {
    $scope.empty = false;
    $scope.editMode = false;

    $scope.todoLists = [{
      name: "one",
      edit: "false",
      "todoeditclick": false
    }, {
      name: "two",
      edit: "false",
      "todoeditclick": false

    $scope.add = function() {
      if (!$scope.newItem == "") {
          name: $scope.newItem,
          edit: "false"
        $scope.newItem = "";
        $scope.empty = false;
      } else {
        $scope.empty = true;

    $scope.remove = function(item) {
      var index = $scope.todoLists.indexOf(item);
      $scope.todoLists.splice(index, 1);

    $scope.edit = function(index) {
      $rootScope.ind = index;
      $scope.newItem = $scope.todoLists[$rootScope.ind].name;
      $scope.editMode = true;
      $scope.disabled = "disabled";
      $scope.todoLists[index].edit = "true";

    $scope.update = function(item) {
      if (!$scope.newItem == "") {
        $scope.todoLists[$rootScope.ind].name = item;
        $scope.todoLists[$rootScope.ind].edit = "false";
        $scope.todoLists[$rootScope.ind].todoeditclick = false;
        $scope.editMode = false;
        $scope.newItem = "";
        $scope.disabled = "";

      } else {
        $scope.empty = true;

.yellow {
  background: yellow;
.red {
  color: red;
<link href="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.6/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.2.23/angular.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div ng-app="myapp">
  <div class="container" ng-controller="mainCtrl">
    <h3>Todo List</h3>
    <input type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="create your todos" ng-model="newItem">
    <p class="help-block text-center red" ng-show="!newItem && empty">*Fill the field.</p>

    <table class="table">
        <tr ng-repeat="todoList in todoLists" ng-class="{yellow:todoList.todoeditclick}">
          <td><a class="btn {{disabled}} pull-right" href="" ng-click="remove(todoList)">delete</a>
            <a class="btn {{disabled}} pull-right" href="" ng-click="edit($index);todoList.todoeditclick=!todoeditclick">edit</a> 

    <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary btn-lg btn-block" ng-click="add()" ng-hide="editMode">ADD</button>
    <button type="button" class="btn btn-default btn-lg btn-block" ng-click="update(newItem)" ng-show="editMode">UPDATE</button>

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