What is the best way to alter the background-color of an element that is contained within a GatsbyJS component, depending on the specific page where the component is being utilized?

As a first-time GatsbyJS website builder, I am working on creating reusable components for my site. One of these components is the footer, and I have already structured it. Now, I have a dilemma - I want to change the color of a specific <div> within the footer based on the page being visited.

Specifically, I want this div to have an orange background when visiting the Homepage and a blue background when on the contact page. Is this even possible?

Here's a snippet of the code for my footer (which is the footer.js Gatsby component that I import into my pages):

<footer className={footerStyle.footer}>
  <div className={footerStyle.parteSopra}>
    <div className={footerStyle.parteSopra}>
      <div className={footerStyle.ottanta}>
        <h3 className={footerStyle.rimaniamo+ ' '+footerStyle.dimTitoli}>rimaniamo<br />in contatto</h3>
      <div className={footerStyle.venti}>

    <div className={footerStyle.parteSotto}>
      <div className={footerStyle.ottanta+ ' '+footerStyle.boxFrecciaBlu}>
        <div className={footerStyle.contieniFrecciaBlu}>
          <img className={footerStyle.frecciaBlu} src={frecciaBlu} alt="Freccia giù" />
      <div className={footerStyle.venti+ ' '+footerStyle.boxFbEInstaBlu}>
        <div className={footerStyle.contieniFbBlu}>
          <a href="https://it-it.facebook.com/DiamanteCalzature" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">
            <img className={footerStyle.fbBlu} src={iconaFbBlu} alt="Facebook" />
        <div className={footerStyle.contieniInstaBlu}>
          <a href="https://instagram.com/diamantecalzature?igshid=cta3uh8iob7a" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">
            <img className={footerStyle.instaBlu} src={iconaInstaBlu} alt="Instagram" />
  <div id="coloreFootSotto" className={footerStyle.parteSotto+ ' '+footerStyle.coloreFooterSotto}>
    <div className={footerStyle.ottanta}>

    <div className={footerStyle.venti+ ' '+footerStyle.boxTornaSu}>


When importing this into my pages with <Footer />, I thought about adding an attribute or prop to dynamically change the background-color of the div with Id id="coloreFootSotto" depending on the visited page. Currently, I'm manually manipulating the DOM in some pages to achieve this effect, but I wonder if there's a way to do it using props or similar methods.

Is anyone familiar with how to accomplish this? Thank you!

Answer №1

Gatsby utilizes reach router which allows you to utilize useLocation in your component and manipulate the location.pathname for specific routes.

// Footer.js
import React from 'react';
import { useLocation } from "@reach/router"

import Container from 'components/Container';

const Footer = () => {
  const {pathname} = useLocation()
  return (
    <footer style={pathname=== '/' ? {backgroundColor: 'blue'} : null} >
        <p>&copy; {new Date().getFullYear()}, My Gatsby Site</p>

export default Footer;

It's important to note that you can access location data from a gatsby page through its location prop.

Depending on your app structure, you may also retrieve this data from your page component and pass it down via props through your component tree.

For example: IndexPage > Layout > Footer

For multiple pages, consider implementing something like the following.

// Footer.js
import React from 'react';
import { useLocation } from "@reach/router"
import Container from 'components/Container';

const pagesWithColoredFooter = ['/', '/page-2', 'page-3'];

const Footer = () => {
  const {pathname} = useLocation()
  return (
    <footer style={pagesWithColoredFooter.includes(pathname) ? {backgroundColor: 'blue'} : null} >
        <p>&copy; {new Date().getFullYear()}, My Gatsby Site</p>

export default Footer;

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