What is the best way to align the value text within an input tag to the upper left corner?

I recently adjusted the size of the input box to be 500 by 500 pixels, but I noticed that the text was starting from the middle instead of the top. Despite trying to set the padding to zero, it didn't seem to have any effect. This issue is occurring within the form tag. Here's the HTML code snippet:

<input class="postbox" value="Hello."><br>

and here's the corresponding CSS code:


Answer №1

Instead of stretching the input line to 500px, consider using a textarea as suggested by Alvaro Menéndez.

You can try something like this:

<textarea class="postbox" placeholder="Hello"></textarea><br>
.postbox {

Answer №2

This code snippet could help achieve the desired layout by adjusting the padding of the input.


Answer №3

To achieve this effect, simply adjust the padding-bottom property


<input type="text" value="test"/>


input {
   padding: 10px 10px 100px;
    width: 300px;
    border: 1px solid red;

JSFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/LeoAref/ko9ahz0L/

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