What is the best way to align an InputAdornment IconButton with an OutlinedInput in Material-UI?

Struggling to replicate a text input from a mockup using Material-UI components. Initially tried rendering a button next to the input, but it didn't match. Moving on to InputAdornments, getting closer but can't get the button flush with the input like the mockup.

Check out the code below. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!

            value="Ajouter une région"
              <InputAdornment position="end">
                  aria-label="toggle password visibility"
                  <Add />

Answer №1

After some experimentation on code sandbox, I was able to achieve a design similar to your mockup.
Feel free to use this code snippet as a starting point:

  style={{height: "40px", width: "250px"}}
  value="Add a region"
  onChange={() => {}}
        position: "absolute",
        right: 0,
        height: "100%",
        backgroundColor: "#f0f8ff",
        color: "#5072a7",
      <Add style={{fontSize: "25px"}} />

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