What is the best way to add CSS styling to the child elements within a component?


this is my custom button component.

  <button class="px-2 py-1" :class="[borderRadius, backgroundColor]">
    <slot />

and this is the html tag within the component.

If I add CSS to the <ButtonAtom> like

<ButtonAtom color="white">

the color applies to the root tag, which is <div>

The challenge is trying to apply the CSS to the <button> instead.

Is there a way to style the <button> without removing the root HTML <div>?

P.S. This is for Vue3 project.

Answer №1

To ensure the text within the button appears as white, you will need to include a style attribute with color:white like this:

<ButtonAtom style="color:white">
. Next, inside the child component, make sure to add inheritAttrs:false and bind the $attrs to the button element:

  <button class="px-2 py-1" v-bind="$attrs" :class="[borderRadius, backgroundColor]">
    <slot />
export default {
  inheritAttrs: false

Answer №2

Here's a brief example for you to consider:

<button style="color: white"></button>

Answer №3

Simply pass the color as a property to the button component and apply it directly on the button element

      <button class="px-2 py-1" v-bind="$attrs" :class="[borderRadius, backgroundColor]">
        <slot />
    export default {
      props: {
    themeColor: String,

You can then use it in the parent component like this

<ButtonAtom themeColor="blue">

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