What is the best way in JavaScript to target a specific element in a href attribute in order to create Previous and

<li><a href="/chapter-1.html">Ch. 1 - TitleHere</a></li>
<li><a href="/chapter-2.html">Ch. 2 - TitleHere</a></li>
<li><a href="/chapter-3.html">Ch. 3 - TitleHere</a></li>
<li><a href="/chapter-4.html">Ch. 4 - TitleHere</a></li>
<li><a href="/chapter-5.html">Ch. 5 - TitleHere</a></li>

These links lead to various static pages on my website, each identified by a number in the URL.

I am now looking to create buttons that link to the next and previous pages by adjusting the numbers in the URLs accordingly. However, I am struggling to find a way to target these numbers within the href attribute.

For now, I am simply setting up an alert function.

<button type="button" onclick="getURL();">Get Page URL</button>
      var current = window.location.pathname;
        function getURL() {
        alert(current + 1);

Answer №1

Utilize the current URL to your advantage, as you are currently doing.

After obtaining the URL string, split it at the chapter- string. This will result in an array with two strings. The first element contains the full URL up to and including the / character before the chapter-, while the second element includes the number followed by .html. By removing .html from that element, you can extract the number.

To generate the URL when the user clicks the Next button, retrieve the number and if it's less than 5, increment it by 1. Create the desired (relative) URL by combining chapter- + the new n + .html. Then redirect to this URL using window location.

The process for the Previous button is similar, except the condition is that the number must be greater than 1 and then decrease it by 1.

<button type="button" onclick="previous();">Previous</button>
<button type="button" onclick="next();">Next</button>
      const current = window.location.pathname;
      const twoParts = current.split('chapter-');
      var number = twoParts[1].replace('.html', '');
      function next() {
        if (number < 5) { alert(number); gotoChapter(++number); };
      function previous() {
        if (number > 1) { gotoChapter(--number); }
      function gotoChapter(n) {
          window.location = 'chapter-' + n + '.html';

You can also create the previous and next buttons using JS to exclude Next if the number is 5 or Previous if the number is 0.

Answer №2

To implement this functionality, you can utilize the dataset attribute in your HTML code. Simply include each page within your HTML as a dataset, then access this dataset using JavaScript to retrieve the corresponding page when a event is clicked. Subsequently, you can update your current variable by appending the value of the a tags' dataset that has been clicked.

const $li = $('li a')
$li.each(function(index, a){
  const current = window.location.pathname;
  function getURL(event) {
    alert(current + a.dataset.page);   
  a.addEventListener('click', getURL);  
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<li><a data-page="1" href="/chapter-1.html">Ch. 1 - TitleHere</a></li>
<li><a data-page="2" href="/chapter-2.html">Ch. 2 - TitleHere</a></li>
<li><a data-page="3" href="/chapter-3.html">Ch. 3 - TitleHere</a></li>
<li><a data-page="4" href="/chapter-4.html">Ch. 4 - TitleHere</a></li>
<li><a data-page="5" href="/chapter-5.html">Ch. 5 - TitleHere</a></li>

Answer №3

Typically, the common method involves utilizing page IDs on the server side. However, there is an alternative approach that can be implemented:

<button onclick="getURL()"></button>
// Extract the page number from "/chapter-ThisIsYourPageNumber.html", found between "-" and "."
var current = window.location.pathname;
var start = current.indexOf("-") + 1; //+1 to get the starting index of the page number
var end = current.indexOf(".");
var length = end - start;
var pageNumber = current.substr(start, length);
var nextPageNumber = parseInt(pageNumber) + 1;

function getURL() {

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