What is the best method to check BNB token balance in a React application using the Metamask wallet

I just wanted to share a snippet of code that I've been working on:

    const getBalance = (userAddress: String) => {
    const provider = new Web3((window as any).web3.currentProvider);
    const bnbContract = new provider.eth.Contract(bnbTokenAbi, tokenAddress);
    bnbContract.methods.balanceOf(userAddress).call().then((res: any) => {
    }).catch((err: any) => {

Interestingly, only the catch function seems to be working. Can anyone help me figure out why?

Answer №1

The balanceof function is designed to be utilized with tokens other than BNB or ETH, as well as all the primary tokens of various blockchain networks. It's important to use the correct syntax when accessing account balances: address.balance

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