What is the best approach to modifying the color of a menu item in the sidebar upon clicking it using Material-UI in a React application?

I am a beginner with this framework and my goal is to change the color when clicking on a Menu Item in the Sidebar. For example, clicking on the table component should change the table name and icon to white color. Could someone please help me figure out how to achieve this color change on menu item click?

Below is the code snippet:

class Sidebar extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = {
      selectedIndex: 0

  handleListItemClick = (event, index) => {
      selectedIndex: index

  render() {
    const { className, classes, onSidebarOpen, ...rest } = this.props;
    return (
      <div className={classes.root}>
            paper: classes.drawerPaper
          <div className={classes.toolbar} />
            {["table", "organisation"].map((item, index) => {
              const Icon = itemsConfig[item].icon;
              return (
                  selected={index === this.state.selectedIndex}
                  onClick={event => this.handleListItemClick(event, index)}
                    <Icon />
                  <ListItemText primary={itemsConfig[item].text} />

export default withStyles(styles)(Sidebar);

Answer №1

Upon clicking the tabs, the following actions are achieved:

  • The background changes to grey
  • The icon switches to white


Implementing conditional styles based on the state of the selected index is recommended.

    selectedIndex === index ? { backgroundColor: "grey" } : {}
      style={selectedIndex === index ? { color: "white" } : {}}
  <ListItemText primary={itemsConfig[item].text} />


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