What is the answer to this issue where the entity name is required to directly come after the "&" in the entity reference?

Whenever I insert the code into my Blogger platform, an error pops up stating: The entity name must directly follow the '&' in the entity reference Here is the code:

if (typeof bc_blocks == "undefined" && window.bc_blocks === undefined) {
    var bc_blocks = document.getElementsByClassName("bigClickTeasersBlock");

  if (bc_blocks.length) {
    var bc_blocks_ids = [];

    for (var i=0; i<bc_blocks.length; i++) {
      var bc_el_id_str = bc_blocks[i].id;
      var bc_el_id = parseInt(bc_el_id_str.substring(bc_el_id_str.lastIndexOf("_") + 1));

      if (bc_el_id>0) {

if (bc_blocks_ids.length&&bc_blocks_ids.length<5) {
 var bc_scr = document.createElement("script");
 bc_scr.src = "https://trandgid.com/lhzbsrfkjf/js/" + bc_blocks_ids.join("/") + "?r=" + encodeURIComponent(document.referrer) + 
 "&" + Math.round(Math.random()*99999);

I am attempting to display an advertisement on my webpage.

Answer №1

The issue you're facing with Blogger is connected to how you are attempting to incorporate an external script. Blogger likely imposes restrictions on the characters permissible in the URL for security purposes.

Here's where your code is falling short:

  • encodeURIComponent(document.referrer)
    : This particular line encodes the referrer URL, which may contain special characters such as &. When you append "&" after that, it generates an invalid entity reference because the "&" is interpreted as the beginning of an HTML entity rather than a literal character.

To make the code compatible with Blogger, here are potential solutions:

Option 1: Utilize a redirect script

  1. Create a new HTML file containing the following code:
  var bc_blocks_ids = [/* Your ad ids here */]; // Replace with your actual ad IDs
  var redirectUrl = "https://trandgid.com/lhzbsrfkjf/js/" + bc_blocks_ids.join("/") + "?r=" + encodeURIComponent(document.referrer) + "&" + Math.round(Math.random()*99999);
  1. Upload this HTML file to your web server.

  2. In Blogger, instead of embedding the original script, add an HTML gadget and paste the following code:

<iframe src="**Your uploaded script URL**" width="1" height="1" style="display:none;"></iframe>

Option 2: Adjust the original script (Less secure)

Note: The second option might go against Blogger's terms of service. It is advisable to opt for option 1 for enhanced security.

  1. Modify the line:
+"&" + Math.round(Math.random()*99999);


"%26" + Math.round(Math.random()*99999);

This substitution changes the & character into its encoded form (%26).

Essential Note: Altering Blogger's built-in functionalities could potentially breach their terms of service. It is strongly advised to adhere to approved ad serving methods. Prior to implementing any custom solution, ensure to consult Blogger's documentation regarding approved ad serving methods.

These strategies should rectify the error and enable you to insert the ad on your Blogger page. Always bear in mind to follow Blogger's directives when incorporating custom scripts and features.

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