My main issue is that this code appears as plain text on all the pages where I place it. The intention is for it to create two text boxes and two buttons
<div onmouseover="change_background(this, '#FCF6CF')" onmouseout="change_background(this,'#E8E8E8')" id="client_portal_content">
Client Login
<INPUT id=logintext size="15" onblur="if (this.value == '')
this.value='Your client ID'" onfocus="this.value=''" value="Your client
<INPUT id=loginbutton onclick="if
(document.getElementById('logintext').value != 'Your client ID')''+document.getElementById('logintext').value)" type=button value=Login></INPUT>
<br><br> Affiliate Login
<INPUT id=logintextaff size="15" onblur="if
(this.value == '') this.value='Your affiliate ID'" onfocus="this.value=''" value="Your affiliate ID"></INPUT>
<INPUT id=loginbuttonaff onclick="if
(document.getElementById('logintextaff').value != 'Your affiliate ID')''+document.getElementById('logintextaff').value)" type=button value=Login></INPUT>