What is causing the unexpected impact of the "Product Quick View" JavaScript plugin on divs that are not being activated by user interaction?

As a newcomer to web design, I have implemented the "Product-Quick-View" plugin from CodyHouse on my website.
Upon clicking the DEMO button and inspecting the code, you will find the following:

        <h1>Product Quick View</h1>

    <ul class="cd-items cd-container">
        <li class="cd-item">
            <img src="img/item-1.jpg" alt="Item Preview"/>
            <a href="#0" class="cd-trigger">Quick View</a>

        <!-- More list items here -->


    <!-- Quick view details -->


In order to differentiate between products, I made the following modifications:

<div id="Num1">
    <ul class="cd-items cd-container">
        <li class="cd-item">
            <img src="img/item-1.jpg" alt="Item Preview"/>
            <a href="#0" class="cd-trigger">Quick View</a>

    <!-- Additional product information -->


However, there seems to be an issue where the content of the last division overwrites the content of the first division when clicking on the cd-trigger. This problem might stem from the animateQuickView function in main.js.

The relevant part of the JavaScript code is as follows:

// JavaScript code here

If you need access to the complete project files (including CSS, JavaScript, etc), they can be found on this GitHub link.

Your assistance in resolving this issue would be greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

Create a unique div with the class cd-quick-view for each item and assign different ids to them.

<div id="first-item" class="cd-quick-view">
        <div class="cd-slider-wrapper">
            <ul class="cd-slider">
                <li class="selected"><img src="img/item-1.jpg" alt="Product 1"></li>
                <li><img src="img/item-2.jpg" alt="Product 2"></li>
                <li><img src="img/item-3.jpg" alt="Product 3"></li>
            </ul> <!-- cd-slider -->

            <ul class="cd-slider-navigation">
                <li><a class="cd-next" href="#0">Prev</a></li>
                <li><a class="cd-prev" href="#0">Next</a></li>
            </ul> <!-- cd-slider-navigation -->
        </div> <!-- cd-slider-wrapper -->

        <div class="cd-item-info">
            <h2>First Item</h2>
            <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Officia, omnis illo iste ratione. Numquam eveniet quo, ullam itaque expedita impedit. Eveniet, asperiores amet iste repellendus similique reiciendis, maxime laborum praesentium.</p>

            <ul class="cd-item-action">
                <li><button class="add-to-cart">Add to cart</button></li>                   
                <li><a href="#0">Learn more</a></li>    
            </ul> <!-- cd-item-action -->
        </div> <!-- cd-item-info -->
        <a href="#0" class="cd-close">Close</a>
    </div> <!-- cd-quick-view -->
    <div id="second-item" class="cd-quick-view">
        <div class="cd-slider-wrapper">
            <ul class="cd-slider">
                <li class="selected"><img src="img/item-1.jpg" alt="Product 1"></li>
                <li><img src="img/item-2.jpg" alt="Product 2"></li>
                <li><img src="img/item-3.jpg" alt="Product 3"></li>
            </ul> <!-- cd-slider -->

            <ul class="cd-slider-navigation">
                <li><a class="cd-next" href="#0">Prev</a></li>
                <li><a class="cd-prev" href="#0">Next</a></li>
            </ul> <!-- cd-slider-navigation -->
        </div> <!-- cd-slider-wrapper -->

        <div class="cd-item-info">
            <h2>Second Item</h2>
            <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Officia, omnis illo iste ratione. Numquam eveniet quo, ullam itaque expedita impedit. Eveniet, asperiores amet iste repellendus similique reiciendis, maxime laborum praesentium.</p>

            <ul class="cd-item-action">
                <li><button class="add-to-cart">Add to cart</button></li>                   
                <li><a href="#0">Learn more</a></li>    
            </ul> <!-- cd-item-action -->
        </div> <!-- cd-item-info -->
        <a href="#0" class="cd-close">Close</a>
    </div> <!-- cd-quick-view -->

Assign those ids as hrefs to cd-trigger a tags: href="#first-item"

        <li class="cd-item">
            <img src="img/item-1.jpg" alt="Item Preview">
            <a href="#first-item" class="cd-trigger">Quick View</a>
        </li> <!-- cd-item -->

        <li class="cd-item">
            <img src="img/item-1.jpg" alt="Item Preview">
            <a href="#second-item" class="cd-trigger">Quick View</a>
        </li> <!-- cd-item -->

Retrieve the href of the a tags when clicked then make a quick change in animateQuickView function by adding the href property and passing it through the function.

var href = $(this).attr('href');

animateQuickView(selectedImage, sliderFinalWidth, maxQuickWidth, 'open', href);

Subsequently, replace '.cd-quick-view' with href for the open animation part:

    "top": topSelected,
    "left": leftSelected,
    "width": widthSelected,
    //animate the quick view: animate its width and center it in the viewport
    //during this animation, only the slider image is visible
    'top': finalTop+ 'px',
    'left': finalLeft+'px',
    'width': finalWidth+'px',
}, 1000, [ 400, 20 ], function(){
    //animate the quick view: animate its width to the final value
        'left': quickViewLeft+'px',
        'width': quickViewWidth+'px',
    }, 300, 'ease' ,function(){
        //show quick view content

To access the complete modified files, check out the link below: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OC9uj8haP0t-EBGuJe1dwR4_5zjLq7T_/view?usp=sharing

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