What is causing the text below the SVG path to appear thicker?

I am encountering an interesting issue with my SVG green marker. The text inside appears bolder than the same text with the same attributes when it is standalone.

Upon further inspection, I noticed that the text within the green marker looks bolder compared to the other one. I am curious why this happens and how can I make the text less bold within the green balloon to match the standalone version?

<svg width="41" height="51"  xmlns = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" >
        <path d="M40 20.3907C40 22.3845 39.3035 24.7755 38.1354 27.3685C36.971 29.9536 35.3565 32.6995 33.5626 35.3918C29.975 40.776
        25.697 45.9056 22.9467 49.0441C21.6333 50.5429 19.3667 50.5429 18.0533 49.0441C15.303 45.9056 11.025 40.776 7.4374 35.3918C5.64351
        32.6995 4.02903 29.9536 2.86459 27.3685C1.69655 24.7755 1 22.3845 1 20.3907C1 9.6841 9.72786 1 20.5 1C31.2721 1 40 9.6841 40 20.3907Z"
        fill = "#73BD07" stroke = "white" />
          <text x="50%" y="20" font-size="12px" dominant-baseline="middle" stroke="#000000" text-anchor="middle">7234</text>
    <text x="50%" y="20" font-size="12px" dominant-baseline="middle" stroke="#000000" text-anchor="middle">7234</text>

Answer №1

To fix the issue, simply remove the stroke setting for the text within the svg element.

<svg width="41" height="51"  xmlns = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" >
        <path d="M40 20.3907C40 22.3845 39.3035 24.7755 38.1354 27.3685C36.971 29.9536 35.3565 32.6995 33.5626 35.3918C29.975 40.776
        25.697 45.9056 22.9467 49.0441C21.6333 50.5429 19.3667 50.5429 18.0533 49.0441C15.303 45.9056 11.025 40.776 7.4374 35.3918C5.64351
        32.6995 4.02903 29.9536 2.86459 27.3685C1.69655 24.7755 1 22.3845 1 20.3907C1 9.6841 9.72786 1 20.5 1C31.2721 1 40 9.6841 40 20.3907Z"
        fill = "#73BD07" stroke = "white" />
          <text x="50%" y="20" font-size="12px" dominant-baseline="middle" text-anchor="middle">7234</text>
    <text x="50%" y="20" font-size="12px" dominant-baseline="middle" stroke="#000000" text-anchor="middle">7234</text>
You can also eliminate the stroke attribute by assigning a new class to the <text> tag and then applying styling using stroke: none; like this:

.myStroke {
  stroke: none;
<svg width="41" height="51"  xmlns = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" >
        <path d="M40 20.3907C40 22.3845 39.3035 24.7755 38.1354 27.3685C36.971 29.9536 35.3565 32.6995 33.5626 35.3918C29.975 40.776
        25.697 45.9056 22.9467 49.0441C21.6333 50.5429 19.3667 50.5429 18.0533 49.0441C15.303 45.9056 11.025 40.776 7.4374 35.3918C5.64351
        32.6995 4.02903 29.9536 2.86459 27.3685C1.69655 24.7755 1 22.3845 1 20.3907C1 9.6841 9.72786 1 20.5 1C31.2721 1 40 9.6841 40 20.3907Z"
        fill = "#73BD07" stroke = "white" />
          <text x="50%" y="20" font-size="12px" dominant-baseline="middle" stroke="#000000" text-anchor="middle" class="myStroke">7234</text>

    <text x="50%" y="20" font-size="12px" dominant-baseline="middle" stroke="#000000" text-anchor="middle">7234</text>

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