What is a simple way to hide the menu when the user clicks anywhere on the screen?

I've encountered an issue with my code that involves the following functionalities: 1: When a user clicks a button, it toggles the drop-down menu on or off. 2: Clicking anywhere within the webslides element should close the menu if it's displayed.

The problem arises when the webslides element is positioned beneath the button. I want users to be able to click on the header to also hide the menu, but this function doesn't seem to work as intended. Instead, the button fails to display the menu at all, regardless of how many times I attempt to open it,

var menu = document.getElementsByClassName("dropdown-content")[0];
var header = document.getElementById('header');
var webslidesBody = document.getElementById('webslides');

function lessonSelectionFunction() {
  if (menu.style.display === "none") {
    menu.style.display = "block";
  } else {
    menu.style.display = "none";

webslidesBody.onclick = function() {
  menu.style.display = "none";

header.onclick = function() {
  menu.style.display = "none";


Answer №1

You have integrated a function in both the header and button onclick events to execute "simultaneously". This happens because the button is nested inside the header, causing the style not to change as intended.

Below is the relevant code with a potential solution for your problem:

    var button = document.getElementsByClassName('dropbtn')[0];
    header.onclick = function(event) {
      if (event.target !== button)
        menu.style.display = "none";

Give it a try:

var menu = document.getElementsByClassName("dropdown-content")[0];
var header = document.getElementById('header');
var webslidesBody = document.getElementById('webslides');
var button = document.getElementsByClassName('dropbtn')[0];

function lessonSelectionFunction() {
  if (menu.style.display === "none") {
    menu.style.display = "block";
  } else {
    menu.style.display = "none";

webslidesBody.onclick = function() {
  menu.style.display = "none";

header.onclick = function(event) {
  if (event.target !== button)
    menu.style.display = "none";
<header id="header">
  <nav role="navigation" class="nav>
    <div class="dropdown">
      <button class="dropbtn" style="text-transform: none;" onclick="lessonSelectionFunction()">Lesson Selection</button>
      <div class="dropdown-content" style="display:none;">
        <a href="#slide=1">Introduction</a>
        <a href="#slide=4">Lesson 1: Methodologies and Development Lifecycle</a>
        <a href="#slide=18">Lesson 2: IT Support</a>
        <a href="#slide=29">Lesson 3: Testing Foundations</a>
        <a href="#slide=42">Lesson 4: Manual Testing Activities</a>
        <a href="#slide=52">Lesson 5: Intro Into Automation</a>

  <a id="logout" href="logout.php">Logout</a>

<article id="webslides">

  <!-- First slide -->
  <section class="slideInRight" id="slide=1">
    // REST OF HTML CONTENT ............

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