What impact does changing the Device Language have on a heading?

At the top of an html page, I have the word "Color" in a heading. If a user's device is set to British English, I would like the text to automatically switch to "Colour". What is the best way to accomplish this with minimal Javascript?

Answer №1

Emma's suggestion is good, but to specifically target browsers with en-GB as the default language, you will need to implement language detection in the following way:

if (navigator.language == 'en-GB') {
  var heading = document.body.getElementsByTagName('h1');
  for (var j = 0; j < heading.length; ++j)
    heading[j].innerHTML = heading[j].innerHTML.replace('Color', 'Colour');
<h1>Color Palette</h1>

Answer №2

To customize your heading with an ID, follow these steps:

<h1 id="customHeading">Heading Text Here</h1>

You can then update the content using JavaScript like so:

var heading = document.getElementById('customHeading');
heading.innerHTML = heading.innerHTML.replace('Heading Text Here', 'New Heading Text');

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