What if we started using PT as the standard unit for measuring fonts and element size?

Currently, I am in the process of creating a mobile app that will work across different platforms using jQueryMobile and PhoneGap. My initial focus is on developing for Android.

When it comes to Android app development, it is recommended that developers use dp as the unit for font sizes. DP, which stands for density-independent pixels, ensures that fonts appear the same physical size on the screen, regardless of screen density.

While this approach works well for Android, I am curious to know if other browser platforms also support this unit. My assumption is that they do not.

This leads me to question the need to move away from older methods or workarounds for setting fonts to a physically absolute size:

1. PT: where one pt equals 1/72 of an inch.

Could this method truly provide a reliable and universally supported physically absolute size for fonts across all browsers and devices? If so, why consider other options?

2. EM: defined as the size of the font for the document.

With PT offering an absolute size to begin with, leveraging em for font size could involve simply adjusting the document's font size to suit the screen through Javascript. If all other elements are specified in em, would that not suffice?

3. Exploring jQueryMobile* As I delve into this project, I am utilizing CSS media queries to determine screen dimensions and density, ultimately setting a base font-size for the element, followed by working with em for font dimensions. While many advocate for using em solely for fonts, could it not be beneficial to apply this approach to all text-containing elements in an app or site focused on text?

4. An Alternatove Perspective

Does dp extend its support to 'desktop' browsers and iOS as well?

Answer №1

While I'm not extensively knowledgeable about PhoneGap, from what I understand, it is a platform that allows you to run html/css/js within the phone's built-in browser (webview). This means you can develop an html5 app that functions like a native Android app.

The dp unit is specific to native Android applications that utilize native Android controls, and cannot be accessed from web pages or web apps.

Given that you are developing an HTML5 app, it's best to rely on web technology for specifying sizes and employ media queries to adjust sizes based on screen density. This approach seems most suitable for your project.

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